and guess what? I would still have just under £500,000 change in my pocket! but wait, what am I talking about, if I had that amount of money to spend on a car I would have both!
Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
and guess what? I would still have just under £500,000 change in my pocket! but wait, what am I talking about, if I had that amount of money to spend on a car I would have both!
I'd go for the new American-made SSC Ultimate Aero: Faster than the Bugatti, and only half the price.
Here is Jay Leno's take on the SSC Ultimate Aero:
Dear Jil, thanks for the links to the SSC Ultimate Aero, not that I could afford either, for me I still like the luxury of the Veyron, I guess it will only be a matter of time before we see the first 300 m.p.h. road car, now who will build it first? 'Now that's the right question detective' (I, Robot) best regards, Stan and Diana.
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