Sunday, 21 June 2009
Saturday And No Bar-B-Q Today!
instead Diana is going to cook a chicken casserole for everyone,
followed by Steve and Laura,
Jay looking a bit pensive,
and Lura with her new house looking at a cartoon on Jay's phone,
Peter also called in but the lure of the UK was to much for him as he will be back there soon, safe trip!
Mike and Riza then arrived,
I should of mentioned that is was Steve's 49th. birthday today, so he bought himself a cake,
but Big Jim had a special surprise for Diana,
the girls downstairs, Anchisa, Precil, Diana and Riza,
all helping with the cooking,
and we were all helping with the eating!
Tom was also there, he mentioned that he and Jay popped into a few bars the night before and things in town were pretty dead, which I have to say has been my feelings for more than a few months now,
the girls having a mix of thai and Filipino food, with two delicious chickens Mark brought along,
then Big Jims surprise, knowing that next week we will not be here, he brought Diana's birthday forward a week with a huge Swensons ice cream cake and a new watch, many thanks Jim!
Diana ready to cut the cake,
also knowing that Big Jim was bringing the cake I had a couple of presents for Diana's "unofficial" birthday,
Lura had a new dress, for Steve's birthday,
all to soon it was time to go, Anchisa and Mark getting ready to ride off into the night,
Mike and myself had a few hands of cribbage, then it was off to the land of nod, again we all had a nice time with talk going from the jet stream to the depths of the oceans, Diana's casserole was first class, the cake was delicious and we all ate to much! I can not think of a better way to spend the day!
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Seeing your model railroad in the background reminds me to ask how that undertaking is coming along. Have you done anything with it lately?
Dear Jil, it sort of hit the buffers when I meet Diana, I ran out of steam, but I have promised myself that when I return from the UK next month I will start afresh, Diana even said she would like to help, so it will be morning coffee upstairs! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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