in the first hour of the crackdown, more than 30 cyclists were stopped, one of them, Nick Lomax, a 26-year-old chef, was pedalling to work at 16mph, He said: 'I didn't see the police officer at all, he didn't show himself, I cycle to work every single day and I think this is absolutely ridiculous, it is a complete waste of time and money, 'The council and the police must have too much time on their hands if they can spend the day on the beach with a speed gun, a couple of days ago I had a friend who was beaten up and mugged not far from the prom, that is the sort of thing the police should be spending their time on.’
but then the clear up figures would not look so good, police catch a mugger? as Gangster 55 said in Gangster No. 1 " Do me a favor!"
if you have not see it give it a look, South East London around the arches at it's best!
Gangster No. 1 is a great movie. Excellent acting peformances from Malcolm McDowell and Paul Bettany.
The movie must break the record for 'swearing within a film' .. The F word, and the C word, every five minutes!
Excellent movie though ..
Dear Anonymous, I hope a few friends read this and really make the effort to see it, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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