Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Squirrels In The News Again!
at least these ones are proud of their flag!
every Memorial Day, volunteers put small American flags next to grave stones of the about 965 veterans buried at the Krafft Road cemetery, but the very next day no flags - just the sticks that they had been on, who had been taking them, aliens perhaps? no joking! it was those pesky long tailed tree rateswith good PR again, squirrels!Ceglarek and Celeste Silvers, the cemetery's office manager, watched in secret, then it happened, a squirrel -- weighing about 3 pounds -- got up on its hind legs, tore a small American flag from a small staff next to a grave stone, rolled it up and carried it up a tree to a waiting mate building a nest, "He plucks them right off," Ceglarek, superintendent of Mount Hope Cemetery in Port Huron, said, the nest, which is about 45 feet up a spruce tree, can be seen by an observant cemetery visitor as red, white and blue cloth drapes over branches, "Maybe they are trying to tell us it is going to be a hard winter," Ceglarek said with a laugh, "Why use leaves when you can get flags?" so problem solved, we not really how to stop the squirrels from taking the flags next year? answers on a postcard please!
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