Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 26 September 2009
First Thing Shopping To friendship,
then off to the night market at Tepprisit,
we have been wondering what this was going to be over the past few weeks,
I think it is going to be a spirit house, but we will see,
we are a bit early so some stalls have not yet set up,
the clothes stalls are a riot of colour, second hand shoes are now down to 80 baht a pair,
now this is a popular shop, with bugs
and false moustaches,
it is of course a joke shop and very popular it is too,
I then went around to the fish shop,
this fish shop specialises in one type of fish, the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens,
then on to the food section, theses are custard apples, small
and large,
then we bumped into Mick and Mass,
the girls meet up so Mick and myself retired to the bar,
Mass bought Mick some new underpants,
"Cheers!" from them,
and from us, that coke tasted so sweet!
a beer in each hand, now that's what I call a balanced meal!
then it started to rain,
and who should duck into the bar? Sai Jai,
it continued to chuck it down,
"Cheers!" from Sai Jai, she had just gone back to check on her stall,
by now it was a full blown tropical storm,
in case you have not seen her stall she knits hats and tissue paper covers,
if you can believe it the rain was getting even worse,
Sai Jai taking a breather from work, she speaks fluent English and has spent several years in the US, in California and Texas, she asked us to have a game and guess her age, the answer 84!
we waited for what seemed fore ever for the rain to stop, but it did not, Mass and Diana were more that happy though, well we were to, being stuck in a beer bar in a rain storm!
but we soon made a move, when we arrived home we could not have been any wetter if we had fallen in the sea, so it was a quick dry out, Mike and Riza called in so we settled down to watch The Prestige, Mick and Mass bid fare well,
so Mike and myself watched Lawrence of Arabia, well half of it as by then it was 3 in the morning! then off to bed.
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