Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Friday, 4 September 2009
Working On The Railway Again,
as always skip this bit if toy trains are not your scene!
today I started on the first of the two electric inner tracks,
this is all bit of a learning curve for me as this is my first attempt at doing a railway apart from when I was about 8 and it was straight out of a box,
I use the pots of glue to hold the track down till the glue dries,
Diana had just finished making these two carriages look weathered,the sidings finished, (except I forgot to wire the tracks, so another job for tomorrow),
then Jay and Precil called in for a cup of tea and a chat as they were in town,
after they left it was time for soup,
whilst waiting another one of those big wheeled trucks roared past, music at volume 10+ blaring out, but not being able to read Thai I do not know what they were advertising,
soup nearly ready,
a reader of our blog mentioned eels in a comment, well these are the eels I was referring to in the comment back, we used to keep these at work, not that you saw much of them as they were always under the gravel, they are called spiny eels in English, Latin name, Macrognathus aculeatus, recognizable due to the three eye spots,
the lady at the bug cart cooking Diana's late night snack,
then feet up to watch pirates, Walter Matthau really gets into his role as Captain Red, for me a much underrated movie, this DVD also has a tale to tell, Mark very kindly bought it for us on the Internet, it arrived in the UK and I brought it back with me, but it was sent from Greece, it has a English soundtrack, but with Russian non-removable subtitles! how strange,
stranger still was what was on the other side of the DVD, in small letters 'Woman Hater' we have not watched it yet, but I guess we will do so in the next week or so, after Pirates, The Tudors, we are up to episode 7, a plague has hit great Britain, both Cardinal Wolsey and Ann Boleyn being stricken by it, both making a recovery, it is surprising how much we missed the first time round, it is a great series to watch again, then time for sleep.
Thanks for the update on the eels, Stan. I think I'd even prefer the jellied eels to those spiny eels!
On the subject of The Tudors, BBC2 in the UK is currently showing the latest series of a friday evening, at 9pm.
Dear Anonymous, I would much prefer the jellied eels to the dried ones, funnily enough the nearest in the UK to these is whitebait, again another crunchy fish thing I would give a miss to! I had heard that the Tudors series 3 was being shown, I am just hoping by the time I am out next year it will be available on DVD so I can bring it back, best regards, Stan and Diana.
Thanks for the update on the eels, Stan. I think I'd even prefer the jellied eels to those spiny eels!
On the subject of The Tudors, BBC2 in the UK is currently showing the latest series of a friday evening, at 9pm.
Dear Anonymous, I would much prefer the jellied eels to the dried ones, funnily enough the nearest in the UK to these is whitebait, again another crunchy fish thing I would give a miss to! I had heard that the Tudors series 3 was being shown, I am just hoping by the time I am out next year it will be available on DVD so I can bring it back, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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