if it was September 14th 1752,

the season's would have been out of phase with the calender,
up until then the Julian Calendar that was 365.25 days long was used, unfortunately it was slightly to long and slowly fell out of synchronization with the seasons, so we changed to the Gregorian calendar, which is why we have a leap year every four years (or more precisely, 97 leap years every 400 years), this means that the year corresponds closely with the astronomical year (365.24219 days) so that it is just one day out every 3,300 years,
all of those years ago when it was announced that the calender would jump from 3rd to the 14th of September many people believed their lives would be shortened, they protested in the streets, demanding "Give us back our 11 days!" so in 1752 nothing happened for the past 10 days!
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