there were a few things that we just had to buy,
the good news was that on the way out we noticed that one of the cactus had flowered,
hopefully a few more will flower over the next few weeks,
the flowers themselves looked quite nice, it is a pity they are so small, just a half inch or so across,

we also noticed that the Amaryllis had flowered,
lots of them,
and this was where we were going,
a temporary open air market,
our shopping today was some potatoes, onions and few other bits and pieces,
lots of fresh vegetables for sale,
and plenty of fresh fish,
but as we had decided to have a bar-b-q on Saturday we also wanted to buy some fresh prawns,
then it was home pass the slowly revolving fish over a bed of red hot charcoal, also being bar-b-qued,
back to bike, then home feet up for our evening meal,
for this evenings menu Diana cooked a starter of sweetcorn and chicken soup, for our main course some chicken with potatoes, broccoli and carrots, then to round off our meal some cherries and ice cream, next feet up for the next couple of episodes from Silent Witness, we watched the second part of the Apocalypse, followed by both parts of Suffer The Children, this one particularly gruesome as a young child is found with both hands and feet along with internal organs removed from the body, ritual sacrifice is suspected as another body is found and another child goes missing, by now it was late so for us we were off to bed.
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