keeping their money under their bed,

or locked up in a trunk or an old tin box, but there are places in the world where this is not a good idea, take Barabanki in northern India in the state of Uttar Pradesh for instance, an army of termites has gorged itself on a diet of money, managing to eat its way through 10 million rupees, at todays rate roughly £118,000, the insects were discovered in a chest that had been locked and was inside a bank, the manager opening the chest discovered the incects chomping on the cash, police were called to the bank, ‘after the incident was reported, police and a sub-divisional magistrate visited the bank for an enquiry,’ Superintendent of Police Navneet Rana told reporters in Barabanki, some 26 km from Lucknow, wait a moment in the light of cash eating termites inhabiting banks perhaps the idea of keeping the cash under your bed is not so bad after all!
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