it works without the need for special glasses like this, to create the 3D effect the Nintendo 3DS uses a device called a parallax barrier, this is a second LCD screen that sits over the main viewing panel that consists of a layer of material with a series of precision slits, allowing each eye to see a different set of pixels, so creating a sense of 3D depth, it works well providing the user sits in a fixed point in front of the image but does not work when viewed from an angle, a slider at the side of the device lets users choose the intensity of the 3D display, from an extreme 'in your face' experience to a more subtle effect,
now the bad news for families in Britain, in a move to rip off British consumers they will now have to pay more than their American counterparts for the latest technology, the hi-tech console will cost £229.99 in the UK, which is a mark-up of more than 40 per cent compared to the $249.99 (£156.50) charged in the U.S. nice one Nintendo, you should make a new 3D game for your console entitled 'how to stuff British consumers' o'ops! I just realised you already have, it is called real life!
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