then carp number two,
then I hooked one, but it got away, for me no luck at all today,
just as we were packing up to go home, Diana picked up my rod, I mentioned to Nick it would be just my luck that in the last couple of minuets Diana should get a bite,
no sooner said than done! Diana hooked a big one, she played the fish for ages, but it was not to be as the hook came out, so none for me and 3 for Nick, oh the shame of it! we put all of the fish back, we really wanted a few tilipias, but we caught none of them,
then back to Nick and Maureen's for a meal, many of the flowers are now in bloom like this Hibiscus,
I have to admit whilst I have seen so many of these plants growing out here I do not have a clue what they are called,
the seeds Maureen planted are really starting to grow well now,
also more of the Hibiscus are in flower,
there are so many different colour varieties,
through to pure white,
another piece of good news for Nick and Maureen, the banana plant is in flower again, fresh bananas soon!
Ta-Taa taking a rest,
Nick had mentioned a strange looking bird he had seen, sure enough there it was again, to far away to take a picture of, but out with the binoculars,
we are not quite sure what it is, I thought a wood kingfisher, but it was not, so out with Birds of Thailand when we arrive back home,
then it was time to have a delicious chicken stew,
with cheese and biscuits and ice cream for Diana as dessert, many thanks Nick and Maureen,
then home feet up for A Touch Of Frost, Unknown Soldiers is the story of guns being sold on the street, he also has to deal with another armed robbery of a security van and the death of a part-time soldier on maneuvers who was shot when everyone was supposed to be using blanks, great story this one, also we guessed who did what to who, then off to bed.
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