Rodolfo Ridolfi, a director at the regional zoological institute,

but I have worked out what really happened in all of these cases, using science and logic that Sherlock Holmes would be proud of, firstly take dead birds failing from the sky, elementary my dear Watson, they collided with a huge invisible flying saucer, next regarding fish deaths, these were caused when said flying saucer ignited it's engines warming the water beneath it, the water lost the oxygen in it and the fish died, realising this the aliens hyper cooled the exhaust gases to stop this happening again, unfortunately they cooled the gases to much which led to the crab deaths in Margate Kent, also I have realised the same space ship comes to earth every 10 years or so it's exhaust gases causing the El Nino effect, easy when you have the answers, well now I am off to meet Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I am going to introduce him to the Asian branch of the Cottingley fairies that live at the bottom of my garden, Pixie, Tixie and Tinkerbell, what a great story, if only it were April Fools Day!

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