Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
We Had A Busy Day Today,
it started out quiet enough,
along to the bank on Beach Road,
the huge television screen over the entrance to Walking Street still working I am glad to say, unlike the pedestrian crossings installed at great expenses in Pattaya as yet another one on Second Road has decided to die,
then to Friendship for some shopping,
and finally a late breakfast/early lunch,
at the surf Kitchen on Jomtien Beach Road,
2 ice coffees, spaghetti bolognese for Diana, prawn cocktail for myself 289 baht, on the way back we decided to call in and say Hi to David from East Coast Real Estate, but he was for today in his other office,
then plan 'B' as we were in the area pick up some sausages from Jules, but he was out, so we said we would call back later as he is normally at his restaurant on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons,
we arrived home in time to see Alex who had called in for a cuppa and a chat, after he left we popped back to see Jules who had returned and picked up 3 kilos of sausages and a couple of kilos of bacon, plus a few Yorkshire puddings, so that was that, but not so, my phone sounded on the way home with an SMS, it was from 3BB, straight away I knew what had happened in the excitement of Christmas I had forgotten to pay my Internet connection bill, as usual they had not sent a bill in the post,
so along to the 3BB office in Theprisitt Road, whilst parking the bike I spotted this shop on the other side of the road,
the 'Chubby Shop', so now I know where to buy clothes if both Diana's and my diets do not work!
the 3BB office,
normally when we are here this area is all stalls for the night market,
nearly there, I mentioned that yet again the bill did not arrive, I gave them my driving licence to confirm my address, 'same, same' 'why no bill in post?' a shrug of shoulders and next please,
after all of that I decided I fancied a larger and lime, so back to the Punch and Judy, I had a chat with Jamie there then home for our evening meal,
Diana loves horror movies, like these,
or more gory still,
double the film double the gore this one says on the back of the pack,
for me I am not into horror films at all, they give me the hebejebes, but when I saw this one in HD on our shelf described as comedy/fantasy/horror called The Frighteners, staring Michael J. Fox I thought I would not mind watching it, not a bad movie, certainly no blood and gore, more a family film, no worries for myself and certainly none for Diana with the amount of horror films she has watched, but when we watched the 'extras' the producer told a story of both him and his partner seeing the same ghost at different times, that really scared Diana far more than any of the other horror films she had watched, every light in the house was on, even the street lights started to dim we were using so much power! worse I had to accompany her to wait outside the bathroom, 'just in case' then off to a well lit bedroom, it could be in the shadows, cue scary violin music!
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