Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Joe Called Round Today,
so it was upstairs for a beer or two,Mark had already called round, one of the many things we talked about was how the prices of stamps that we both collect have been steadily rising over the past few months, are more people collecting them or is it that a few months ago there was not so many people with money to spend?
we spent the day at home, in the evening eating lots of fresh strawberries, delicious!
whilst watching Elizabeth: The Golden Age, two faiths, two empires, two rulers - colliding in 1588, papist Spain wants to bring down the heretic Elizabeth and nearly does, great viewing,
next we watched several from Tales, all of which had a nice twist to them, perhaps the best being Proxy, media tycoon Sutton and his two friends are all being blackmailed by a woman with whom all three had past affairs, the disclosure of which could ruin them, to the relief of all she is murdered, but who did it? or will some one else take the blame? then for us off to bed.
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