Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
We Had A Quiet Day,
day two of Diana's hula-hoop regime,
30 minutes or so in the morning, the same again in the evening,
during the day Mark called round, but then we watched the second series of I Didn't Know You Cared, at one stage Uncle Staveley looks like he is going to get married, but he need not have worried, the lucky lady decides on Uncle Mort!
following from The House of Cards we watched the second in the series, To Play the King, Francis Urquhart has risen through the ranks of Britain's Conservative Party and its political ranks to become Prime Minister, now a new King is being crowned who stands opposed to everything Urquhart stands for, another truly great series, the last tomorrow night, but for us off to bed.
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