Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 31 January 2011
There Was Not Very Much That I Found Interesting In The News Today,
so it was time to revisit,The Young Man's Book Of Amusements again, I had mentioned it once before on the blog, but today two much easier experiments to try, if the following appear a little cruel remember it was written in 1854,
the thing is as a kid I remember this happening when I stroked our cat, strangely enough it appears that cats are prone to the phenomena of building up static electricity in their fur,
now I know that David Blaine must have read this one as he did this 'trick' in his Street Magic show, the fly resurrection, strange how reading something from a book from 1854 made it's way to television all those years later, magic!
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