Sunday 31 December 2023

Shushi On A Single Grain Of Rice?

it sounds impossible, 

but not to Hironori Ikeno, the chef of Sushiya no Nohachi, in Asakusa, a slightly quieter part of Tokyo, a client asked him how small he could make his sushi, He answered, “as small as a grain of rice”, and proceeded to demonstrate that he wasn’t kidding. Over the years, the eatery became internationally famous for making the world’s smallest sushi, Sushiya no Nohachi only prepares tiny sushi platters for patrons a few times a week and no more than five times a day, although they do sometimes make exceptions for foreign visitors who travel to the eatery just to experience the world’s smallest sushi, but you can not simply order the tiny sushi platter at Sushiya no Nohachi, it is served for free upon request with a regular-sized sushi course, which costs around $50, the full story is here.

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