Thursday 21 December 2023

Would You Like To Know When You Are Going To Die?

barring I guess accidents,

Life2vec, is a so-called transformer model trained on a massive volume of data to predict various aspects of a person’s life, and can with 78% accuracy do so, created by scientists in Denmark and the United States the model was fed data from Danish health and demographic records for six million people, like time of birth, schooling, education, salary, housing, and health, the AI model was trained to predict what would come next, and it seemed to be remarkably correct, for example, when tested on a group of people between the ages of 35 and 65, half of whom died between 2016 and 2020, it was able to predict who would die and who would live, with 78% accuracy, so do you really want to know with 78% accuracy when you are going to die?

“Clearly, our model should not be used by an insurance company, because the whole idea of insurance is that, by sharing the lack of knowledge of who is going to be the unlucky person struck by some incident, or death, or losing your backpack, we can kind of share this burden,” Professor Jørgensen said, Life2vec is currently not available for use by the public, “Our framework allows researchers to discover potential mechanisms that impact life outcomes as well as the associated possibilities for personalized interventions, the team behind Life2vec wrote, but if it were available, would you really want to know?

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