Sunday 21 July 2024

On Friday As Steve And Myself Chatted,

he mentioned another swarm of bees he had been called to, 

today he sent me a photograph and a video of it and him in action, 

this is what he was called to, if you have a swarm in South East London and parts of Kent he is the bee keeper that is called, if he can not attended himself because of distance or he is at another swarm he will coordinate a fellow swarm collector to your property, 

the object is to collect the Queen and with as many others as possible and place them in a transport box, pheromones given out by the Queen will attract all of the bees still outside into in the box, it looks frightening, and it was, he got stung!

for myself I was going to go into the garden again, but it rained, twice in the afternoon so I spent some of the afternoon on the Internet, and then, the red ray of death appeared on the BT hub, as usual I tried switching the unit off and counting to 30 before switching it on again, still the red coloured light, a few curses did not help either, although it made me feel slightly better, so a film it was for the afternoon, 

The Invisible Boy, totally unbelievable, it was great! the first of a number of movies that featured Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet, apparently he was so expensive to make MGM decided to use him in this and also Lost in Space, as well as a few other appearances, I then noticed the red light in the BT hub was now blue, so normal service restored, next it was then time for my evening meal,

first a read and a sherry, 

Diana had left me a delicious salad, avocado, lettuce, sliced spring onions and king prawns, 

eyes down and tuck in,

for my main course a shepherds pie,

'Cheers!', after which I watched a Maigret

after that a old favorite Battleship, a sci-fi, Battleship, we had watched it before, this is what I wrote then;
'the special effects were superb, a bit slow in places but really enjoyable to watch with some great moments, like when the USS Missouri is untied from the dock the order 'flank speed' is given, I always thought it was slow ahead and left hand down a bit! but as I said a really enjoyable film to watch', 
during which Diana returned home, so we watched the rest of that, Diana was tired so off to bed for her, for myself,

one from The Kenny Everett Video Show, this episode featuring Dusty Springfield, Elvis Costello and Sting, after which I too was off to bed.

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