Monday 29 July 2024

Sunday Was A Bit Of A Celebration,

it was the first day off that we could have a celebration, 

of Diana being a UK citizen and passport holder, so glad rags on, 

and we were out to the Elm Tree, at Elmers End, one bus and we were here, 

the front of the pub was covered in flowers,

on the window sills and in hanging baskets,

as we were a tad early the pub was not yet open, 

so we needed no excuses for a few poses!

I have to say it was a glorious day, 

a couple under the sunshade, 

Diana does not want to get brown,

and a few more,

at the front of the pub, then it opened,

so a spritzer cocktail for Diana,

with pomegranate in it, 

for myself a bottle of bubbly, 

all set, 


our starters arrived, lamb kebabs for Diana,

squid and prawns for myself, as it happens I do not eat squid, but Diana informed me they were very nice, as were the prawns,


on to our main courses, roast beef for Diana,

pork belly with crackling for myself, sans gravy and cauliflower cheese,

on to our desserts, a homemade Banoffee pie with cream for Diana,

with a coffee, 

a 'Cheers!' with a latté coffee from Diana,

for myself a ice cream, I was so full, the meal came to £107.40, service charge not included, outside onto a number 54 bus, and home, where it was feet up for a port as we watched Columbo, but the television was a bit of a disaster, whilst the programs had been fine over the past few days, today the signal was yet again terrible, the program on the Columbo channel was just about watchable, but when there was a commercial break all of the advertisements were unwatchable, still the good news is that on Monday morning a technician will be calling round to fit the new BT box and hub, in the evening we decided to give up on normal programs and watch a couple,

 from Frontier, the story growing ever more interesting and involved, before Diana was off to bed, as she is on a early start tomorrow, for myself a film on Netflix,

AKA Welcome to the Jungle, which was good fun after which I too was off to bed, but before I close this post I have to say this will be the only post today, as I was typing this I had a telephone call from the BT engineer to say he was near, so with that I will sign off for today.

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