Friday 19 July 2024

Only Yesterday,

I made a post about UK councils unwillingness to install charging points for EV's,

photograph Ubitricity, so I guess it must be the cost of them, unlike the UK in America there is so much space, so EV stations can be built with hundreds of charging points, but at what cost? I tried to do the maths, so please check my figures to see if I have made a mistake, lets say to buy the land and install one charging point it is $100,000, so it follows that:
10 charging points = $1,000,000 therefore,
100 charging points = $10,000,000 
lets say I got the first figure wrong and say it was $200,000 per charging point, for 100 charging points in a park it would be $20,000,000 hopefully that is correct, 

now for the complicated bit as the numbers are getting bigger, if 10 charging stations were built that would be $200,000,000 or $200 million if you like, here comes the question, firstly a fact, in 2021, Congress approved a $7.5-billion plan, (that i7,500,000,000) under the Biden Administration to build thousands of new electric vehicle charging stations around the country, fewer than 10 stations have been built, as it happens exactly 7 have been built, using my figures above it begs the question, where did all the surplus money go? in any event it seems to show that the US as well as the UK are reluctant to continue the EV con.



jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Great question-where did the money go? The Biden Crime Family promotes all kind of executive orders and bills for projects that they then fund-only to find out later original projects never completed and money funneled to corrupt non profits (most managed by relatives of democrat Congress members)
These non profits have vague charters like “helping minority children” so there is no accountability. Meanwhile the non profit management collects high salaries, on unlimited expense accounts for travel and dining while little work being done to help the charter cause. Many non profits live on ongoing grants that were originally money set up for other issues, then diverted into grants and then disappears without an audit trail.
We still have lots of unspent Covid19 relief money that keeps being diverted in various Biden/Obama WOKE projects while general citizens are clueless.
We have paid heavy taxes last 30 years for infrastructure improvements but nothing has been improved! All the money is gone and no one seems to be able to tell us where it went. USA federal government and congress is fully corrupt. Trump when in office tried to drain the swamp and clean up the corruption but it is so overwhelming that hard to accomplish much.
We need term limits for all Congress and Supreme Court positions to help limit lifetime career criminal congressmen from continuing to divert funds away from their intended use.
Most citizens see the corruption now and there is a huge force to elect Trump and then support him in cleaning house and downsizing the government. This is the one and only chance left to save USA from Arab Muslim Obama’s agenda to destroy what is left of our country. Time will tell.
Best Regards
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, I had sort of guessed that is what was happening with the 'unspent funds', over here we are still reeling from the enormous waste, (costs), that covid caused, from just one article the headline,

'UK government wasted nearly £10bn on unused Covid PPE, figures show'

the article is here:,used%20before%20its%20expiry%20date.

the way throwing money around was shameful, former health secretary Matt Hancock gave one of his mates who ran the local pub over £40m of government Covid-related work, well they were good friends! the article is here;

so it is the same here, all pigs at a trough of money! worse still the new government will be handing out money to obscure groups faster than the last one! just so glad we will not be around to see the mess our leaders are making of our once proud nations, best regards, Stan and Diana.