Sunday 10 December 2023

After Diana Had Left For Work,

I had a househusband day, 

all of the usual things, hoovering the flat, watering the plants, cleaning the algae off of the aquarium, in the afternoon then feet up to watch a couple of movies, starting with Hellboy, total fantasy but I enjoyed watching it again,

next another fantasy, The Core, the Earth's core has stop spinning, disasters are appearing all over the world, birds acting crazy, powerful thunderstorms, 32 people died to the second in a 10 block radius but everyone else is unharmed, great start to the film, and good special effects too,

time for my evening read and sherry, 

followed by a huge chicken curry Diana had left me, and I remembered to use one of the big plates!


I decide to watch Venom, basically a alien takes over a humans body, great special effects and Tom Hardy really gives the film his all,

I rounded off my evening with Furry Vengeance, a nice easy going family comedy, which in more than a few places had me chuckling to myself, after which Diana arrived home, so feet up for a coffee and a chart as we watched a Midsomer Murder, before we were off to bed.

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