I forgot to look at what time we arrived home but I guess it was 3.30 or later, there are so many people staying here now, just a few years ago we would have been in and out in under 20 minutes but now a days it pretty much takes most of the day, just goes to show how popular Pattaya is as a holiday destination or retirement resort, but home we were so Diana started cooking our evening meal,
deep fried fish and chips, battered sausages and peas, with a glass of medicinal red wine, I read some where a glass of red wine a day helps blood circulation, so I had my weeks supply tonight, then feet up for a couple of Judge John Deed, we had seen these a long time ago but are well worth a second run,
then on to two more Sherlock Holmes, The Dancing Men and The Naval Treaty, yet again I proved to myself that I would not make a detective, both times towards the end of each episode I told Diana who the villain was, both times the person I said did it was 100% innocent!
then off to bed, tomorrow we are up early as we still have no water, the water pressure in the mains is too weak to lift the water to our roof tank, so tomorrow the tank will be taken off the roof and placed on the ground, In fact I may even buy a second tank to make sure we do not run out again.
I guess he has a towing hitch for the boat on the back of the bike.... hehe
Dear Mike, it is so easy, you have two bikes in tandem! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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