Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Straight On With The Blog Today,
the Internet has not been working all morning so I guess it could stop at any time,
first stop, pick up Diana's welcome home presents from the Kodak shop,
then breakfast, this is Dat Coffee Shop, it is near where we buy our soup on the corner of Third Road and Soi 17,
a marble Mickey Mouse in the floor,
we have been past the shop a few times so I thought I would give it a try, nice and clean, it always seems to have a few people eating or drinking there,
view from the shop looking towards where we buy our soup, I had two ice coffees and a bacon and salad sandwich, I have forgotten how much the bill was, about 140, but I remember thinking it was very reasonable,
and looking at the shop towards Third Road,
a few of the presents waiting for Diana's return,
my Internet connection has over the past few years been getting worse as the months progressed, so here is one of the guys from 3BB putting my new cable in, a technician will call round next week to run the cable from the street into the house,
then out to a quiet Walking Street, it was 7.45 so not many people out and about,
steak and onions with boiled potatoes, that will set me up for the evening!
first stop, Living Dolls,
then on to Sweethearts, I meet up with Grieg for a few there, then on to see Juu in Champions along with Big Jim, then home to watch a couple of movies,
but on the way back I saw this stall, so I had to stop and buy a few more welcome home presents for Diana,
both myself and the motorbike taxi driver were watching a confrontation between 3 Russian tourist and a baht bus driver, after a few heated words in Russian (or similar language), they walked away, the reply came from the baht bus driver 'my country, my country, I kill you, I kill you!' in remarkably good English as he rushed back to his cab, we did not wait to see what for,
a few more welcome home presents for Diana, it will drive her mad seeing these and not knowing what is inside them (but she will have a pretty good guess!), then home and feet up,
I did not watch a movie but continued to watch The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, a BBC comedy which even having seen it before was still so funny, good though Reginald was, my real favorite character in the series was 'Doc' Morrisey, then time for bed.
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