Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Today It Was Just Too hot To Do Anything,
37 in the shade and that was before midday!
first thing we went to town to buy a few bits and pieces,
but when we returned it was feet up all day to watch more than few DVD's first a bit of comedy with the Haunted Mansion, some times I watch a film thinking it could be better if another actor played the lead role, but in this movie I can not think of anyone that could have played Eddie Murphy's role better,
then on to a couple of films where the special effects were on steroids! X-Men: The Last Stand, the computers making some of the scenes in this movie must have been so near to meltdown,
ditto, The Core, I really liked the opening sequences where the magnetic poles shifted causing pace makers to stop and birds to lose direction, great stuff!
then a real comedy, Police Academy, slapstick humour and a few one liners thrown in, I have seen a few of the sequels, but none are as far as I am concerned as good or well thought out as the first,
after our evening meal what better way to round off the evening than a couple of episodes of Midsomer Murders, the first, Murder on St. Malley's Day, followed by Market for Murder, this one had everything, insider trading, unrequested love and a really nice Alivis, then off to bed.
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