Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Any Plans We Had For Today
were put on the back burner,the thunder started rumbling at about 9.00 in the morning, then about 10.00 the rain started, not much at first, but then the clouds let go,
it stopped and started raining again, the sky that good old British winter time grey, the final thunder died away about 5.00 in the after noon but the storm came back again in the early evening, so it was feet up and watch a few movies for the day,
first Pitch Black, we have seen it before but great special effects, a space crew crash lands on a planet, just in time for the lights to go out and the night creatures to awake,
if anyone doubts Al Pacino's acting skills then this is for me the film to change your mind, Devil's Advocate, a young country lawyer is 'found' by a city law firm, but the 'boss' is more than he seems, the young lawyers luck better than is humanly possible, there lies the story, as an aside I have featured the infinity pool used in this film on the blog before, I still go hot and cold when the actors walk near to the edge of it in the film!
The Golden Compass, we had not seen it before but Diana was totally captivated by it, a young girl is given the last Golden Compass or I should say truth teller, which takes her on a journey to the far North, braving tribes of warriors and the King of the Bears, despite seemingly undefeatable odds she wins through, again great special effects, but then it did cost an estimated $180,000,000 to make!
our last film for the evening, The Man Who Knew Too Much, an American couple and their son get mixed up in a murder plot that is going to take place in London, their son is kidnapped to ensure their compliance, one thing we both like about watching films from Hitchcock is trying to spot his 'cameo' appearance, in this one we failed totally, but I now know he appears in the market scene where the acrobats are performing, an enjoyable if slightly too long movie, then a couple of Tales of the Unexpected and off to bed, lets hope for no rain tomorrow.
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