we traveled down by train to Rainham,
and arranged to meet him in the Spyglass and Kettle,
we have had a few more than a few in there many times over the years,
Diana looking at the menu as we are going to have lunch here,
orange juice for Diana larger and lime for myself,
then Merlina, one of their daughters, Jade and Duncan arrives,
Martin, one if Duncan's co-workers also calls in I must admit I have forgotten the name of the bar maid,
then Duncan's youngest little Miss Amber says hi,
Gammon ham for Diana,
then a wet Alan called in as he knew we would be here, raining again, I thought it was supposed to be hot in August!
Amber and myself,
and with Dad,
and Mum,
Diana and Merlina,
what a smile!
then back to Duncan's and it is still raining,
that night we braved the weather and went to the Cricketers, for a quick bevy,
The White Horse or as it is locally known the Nodding Donkey,
so after a few it was out of The Cricketers,
and across the road for a meal at Rani's, an Indian restaurant,
as usual the food was excellent,
there was only the three of us this evening, 'Cheers!', then home to bed.
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