it looked like rain but we went to Soi Bukaow anyway,

just opposite one of the market entrances there is a flower shop,
with the new addition of this tiger,
the decorations in the tray at the top are for offerings to Buddha, whilst the orchids below are just for house decoration,
these I would guess have travelled down from Chang Mai where it is colder at night, I have never seen chrysanthums grown around here, or large roses for that matter,
the entrance to the market on the left of the gold shop,
I have seen this monkey bike many times now, it is in the motorbike shop on the corner of the market entrance,
but every time I see it the owner has added more bits of chrome to it, this time double air horns and over sized footrests,
inside the market a mobile garlic seller, don't get many vampires round here!
the strap broke on my watch, the crazy thing is a new strap is 150 baht, yet for just 49 baht more I can buy a new watch! any one of these,
so I chose this genuine American Eagle, but for a change with a metal strap, the leather ones seem to go hard and crack in no time,
a quick look at the aquatic shop, but nothing there that I want,
then a glass of ice coffee whilst waiting for Diana to return with the shopping, some fresh fruit to nibble on later tonight,
but before then it was off to the Friday night Thepprisit market, although the weather still looked like rain was on the way, unlike last week the market was packed with people,
opposite the bar a stall was set up selling clothing,
all export quality at 80% off export prices I guess, bargain!
one of the few aquarium shops now still surviving in the night market, this one selling only marine fish and equipment,
and this one catering for the freshwater trade,
at the far end of the row near the shrine,
not quite the first customer today but pretty close,
I dropped Diana off at Tesco's as she wanted to look for a few things in there, so she arrived back at the bar with lots of goodies, like packets of crisp like snacks and a new shirt for me,
then off to the soup stall for our evening meal,
after the soup some fresh cold pomelo, delicious,
over the last couple of days and evenings we watched a few more DVD's, this one Phantasm, I watched when it first came out in 1979, it seemed a lot more scary then, but even though a long time ago some of the scenes I remember have been cut in this UK version, basically a crematorium is downsizing the newly dead and sending them off world, any one investigating inside the crematoria has to out wit deadly flying chrome spheres that want to drill into your brain, so it is dodge, duck and dive again!
next The Abyss, underwater aliens, a downed nuclear sub, starring Ed Harris and directed and written by James Cameron, what more could you want? great special effects and a day the Earth stood still storyline/ending,
then for some outrageous comedy, Robin Hood, Men In Tights, in places more camp than a camp carry on film with great slapstick humour and sight gags, with the sightless Blinkin playing it for all it is worth,
I never in my wildest dreams thought that in 1981 and onwards as I watched Hill Street Blues I would have bought both first and second series and be watching them again over here in Thailand, but there you have it, I am and it seems that the series is still as good and fresh as ever, with only one thing that we now have and Hill Street does not - mobile phones, we watched the first four episodes, although Diana I think did not take to the series at first I am sure it will become a favorite of hers, then off to bed.
Hi Stan & Diana, Great to have you (and your PC!) back. Love the UK photos. Boy!, did you pack in a lot of sightseeing!! Was it Diana's first to the UK? Did she like it?
Dear Anonymous, glad you enjoyed the pictures, we had great fun, it was in fact Diana's first trip to the UK and she tells me she really enjoyed it except the cold, I read some where it was the coldest August for 40 years, we tried to find something to do everyday, but even then we did not get to the Tower of London, so that is on our list for next year, hopefully finances will have improved so we might hire a car to travel around a bit more next year, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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