but looking on the Blogspot help pages it seems I am not alone,
it appears that a few weeks ago this option stopped for a number of blogers, of course us being away we did not notice till we returned and started blogging again, but any way on to the past few days that we have been back, I have lumped them all into one post, above we arrive at the Tuk Com center,
we wanted to buy some DVD cases, to save space we bring the DVD's over sans their cases and buy some more here, naturally we had to stop at the doughnut stall on the way out!
then to the soup stall for our evening meal,
and the market for some fresh fruit,
these are two of the four packs we bought, as you can see quite a saving on space by bring over just the DVD's,
next day over to Pattaya North to the big pharmacy there, for some head ache tablets and vitamins,
we called in to a quiet Friendship on the way back,
arriving at the Friday night market the skies looked very menacing,
a rain storm any minute now,
lots of food stalls but when it rains these are the lucky ones as they are under permanent cover,
going back to the bar there was not a special show opposite,
the bar, it looks like I am the first customer,
Diana soon came back with a pair of house slippers,
this is new, since we left a new police/help box has been built just opposite the bar,
Diana and the lady that runs the bar with her daughter, I am not sure if she owns or rents it,
Diana with more smiles, (and a new pair of shoes),
next day Arry arrived to renew the water pump, repair the ceiling fan and replace all of the blown bulbs,
new pump fitted and working, a shower at last!
Mike called round with his new friend!
we all went to the Wild West Saloon for a Saturday night sing song, the good news for many was that I forgot my camera,
next day Sunday lunch at the Robin's Nest,
so it was eyes down,
and tuck in!
whilst eating there was always a non stop number of mobile stalls rumbling past,
in the afternoon we needed some more DVD cases, so back to Tuc Com,
and who should we bump into? none other than David Grey and family, we had not seen them for ages, so a good gossip catching up on news,
then glad rags on for Sunday night out,
and into a fairly quiet Walking Street,
if you look carefully you will see that the Goodfellows girls are dancing on the balcony,
suddenly the street started to fill up,
having just last week seen the Christmas tree decorations at Hampton Court I thought Christmas was coming around soon, well this proves it, dancing on Walking Street was Santa Claus it must be Christmas soon!
we were on our way to the FLB Bar, one of the singers at the Wild West Saloon said his daughter was working there, so we thought we would call in after seeing Grieg in Lollipop,
and there they were, I do not know the name of the lady but she is on the left,
if you want to sit down to some easy to listen to music this is the place, even better they all sang and played in tune,
and a nice view of the floating restaurants at the back,
then home but a quick take away for Diana,
as my computer was at the shop being repaired we spent the day over at Mike and Riza's using his computer to bring the blog up to date, so a curry was on the cards for the evening,
the cat decided to keep me company for the next day as well, then home feet up to Watch some DVD's
the next day dawn and it was an early start to check in for my 90 day notification at immigration in Jomtien Soi 5, the new building next looks ready to move into,
as we were there we just had to pop into the Surf Kitchen,
as always a nice little water dispaly on the way in,
no prizes for guessing what we had,
spaghetti bolognase for Diana and prawn salad for me, compleate with two ice coffees,
leaf trimming palm tree style,
next stop the bank, where does all the money go?
a quick look at the TV screen over Walking Street and it is still working,
then swing round to pick up our dry cleaning,
Big Jim called round with some good news, firstly he had lost some 70lbs. over the past month or so, secondly he had past his motorcycle test, so a double well done to Jim,
in the afternoon thye Secrets taxu called for us,
we went over to see Jay and Precil, later we were joined by Mike, Riza and Mabel,
for a huge Indian meal,
all the girls helping out in the kitchen,
'Cheers!' from all of us,
as I said a huge meal!
the girls had loads of food as well,
Den-Den as playful as ever, then home for a good nights sleep, the next day my computor arrived, Jhon from Jomtien called round, we had a good chat, then time to see Mr. Don, he had spent 10 days in hospital as he had an infection behind his knee cap after corretive syrgury, the good news is that he is on the mend and will be out of plaster in two weeks or so, Mark then called in for a cup of tea and a chat, then feet up to watch some DVD's, unfortunatly I still can not drag and drop them so they are all below that we watched over thr past few days,
Waterworld, a nice futuristic film, shame it cost so much to make, but basically ice melts water rises and everyone looks out for them selves, (except the heroes of course!),
as part of our English Lit we had to read and review this book, gritty though the film was for me that book,1984, was even more chilling, imagination working over time!
not as good for me as the original but pretty good neither the less, 7 out of 10 for trying, 2 out of 10 for failing so miserably The Avengers, it could have been so good,
and finally a film that Diana was really enjoying, Dial M for Murder, although made in 1954, it had all the hall marks of a great murder/suspense movie, Diana loved it, so that brings the blog up to date, Phew! now back to working out how to drag and drop, but I have a nasty feeling it is not me, just when I was getting the hang of things some one changes it!
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