Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 20 September 2010
I Mention Before That The Electrics In Our Place Have Been A Bit Out Of Wack Since We Returned From The UK,
well it happened again a couple of days ago,Diana turned the living room lights on and bang! the dimmer switch failed, all five of the living area lights went out, a couple of days later Arry called in to put thing right, a new dimmer switch fixed the problem - except two of the five bulbs that then blew when he switched them on and off a couple of times to show me all was well!
now the bad news, my foot is still badly swollen, so bad that I could not leave the house, so no Sunday lunch at Robins Nest and no Sunday night out on the town, but behind every cloud there is a silver lining, I managed to label just over half of my stamp collection in my enforced exile, naturally the easy half,
later after our evening meal we settled down to a few DVD's, no change there then! first The Last Dragon, some skiers fall into a crevasse then find a human corpse, then some more, a team investigates and a dragons body is found, in the DVD all are brought back to life, like a drama/documentary, great special effects but as believable as the man in the moon,
then The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, I had great hopes of this film but it sort of bimbled along, a slow and at times frustratingly slow pace, the good news was that Casey Afflek who played Robert Ford, was in the film instantly dislikable, based on the true story of Jesse James it promised so much more,
then another one from the Hitchcock box, The Trouble With Harry, a unusual film for Hitchcock, a romantic comedy revolving around a corpse! the problem being one way or another almost everyone had a hand or shoe in Harry's demise, by now it was late and my foot was really painful so of to bed.
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