we watched a couple of DVD's when we returned, then it was out on the town,
Walking Street had it's usual crowd, but still not very busy, we bumped into Alan and Doc. Jeff as we were walking or in my case limping from Second Road to Walking Street, we had arranged to meet Mark in Lollipop, Grieg was still in the US, whilst we were there Big Jim called in to say hi,
after having a chat there we decamped to Champions, then a few friends arrived firstly Yues from Luxembourg, he is here for a couple of months, then Alan and Doc. Jeff called in knowing we would be there,
time seemed to rush by all to soon it was time to go,
Juu very kindly offered us a lift home, so it was over to the car park,
where I saw a nice bike, no not the one in front, the yamahackiequakionda behind it, not having had a drink for so long I was past caring what it was called, but it looked nice! then home to watch a few DVD's,
well actually we watched Avatar in the afternoon,
so feet up to catch up on a few Black Adders, great series although I am not a fan of the first one, for me all of the rest are so watchable,
then in a complete change of pace, 28 Days Later, a horror story of of a plague that takes over Great Britain when the loony front releases some infected caged animals, not the best thing to watch just before going to bed, but there we are, then off to bed!
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