Monday 15 September 2014

Do Not Mess With Cows In Hanworth,

even fibreglass ones! 

a man's campaign to reinstate a herd of fibreglass cows on the roof of the Dairy Crest building in Hanworth, London, has been successful. Joachim (Jake) Jellinek, of East Twickenham, launched an online campaign and petition in July,

after his two-year-old son Cosmo pointed out their mysterious absence, while a date for their return has not been confirmed, Mr Jellinek, 43, said: "I’m delighted to announce I have had this confirmed by Hanworth councillor Richard Foote (who has really taken this to heart and helped enormously.), "The interesting part is that with the help of his colleague councillor John Chatt, they unearthed the original planning permission for the then new bottling plant, and it was part of the agreement at the time, in order to be allowed to build on green belt land, that the cows remain on the roof (and indeed they should have been moved around a bit from time to time also.)" the council informed Dairy Crest of their findings and that they fully intended to enforce the original planning condition, so a result Dairy Crest have agreed to reinstate the cows, Victory for the cows of Hanworth!

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