Friday 5 April 2013

We Were Up Early,

as we were going fishing,

 to our usual spot at the Mamak Fishing Park, as I parked the truck I noticed these Plumeria were in flower,

 nice they looked too,

 the flowers looking almost like they were made of wax,

 but back to the fishing,

 first mix the bait,

 I continued to tackle up when Nick was into a fish,

 and I had not even put a line in to the water!

 it was a nice sized fish, but unfortunately one of the ones that are so full of bones they do not make good eating, so back it went,

 Ta-Taa had seen it all before,

 so we settled down to catch one for lunch,

 not a lot happening,

 then I was into one,

 but again not good eating, so back it went, score 1-1 so far,

 whilst we were sitting in the hut,

 a huge bee like insect appeared,

and settled down at the back of us,

I was not sure if it was a bee,

 but with natures warning colours of yellow and black I did not want to get too close in case it was, the last thing I wanted was to be stung,

 it next made a move inside the hut, but finally flew away,

then it was ice cream time,

but you had to eat it quickly, it was 39C today, with the forecast that it will be 41C tomorrow, so the ice cream was melting faster than Diana could eat it!

at the end of the day the score remained the same 1-1 with not a single fish that we could eat, but a lovely way to spend the day, the place we fish at is called the Mamak Fishing Park, it is off of Soi Nub Plan Wan, (spelt as it sounds), turn into the Soi from Sumkivitt, over the railway crossing and continue for a couple of miles, the road starts to go downhill, near the bottom of it you will see this pink building on the left, the road the fishing park is in is almost opposite, follow that for a while and the fishing park is on the left,  

 the parks card,

 with map on the back,

 we then went back to Nick & Maureen's for a lovely roast supper, followed by ice cream and biscuits,

 then the game, Monopoly, laughs all round as fortune smiled then scowed upon us one by one,

at the end of the evening Maureen was victorious, it was so much fun, we said our goodbyes and thank yous to them both and made a move for home,

one of a new series was showing, Bamazone, a gold prospecting crew from Alabama were trying to mine gold in the Amazon hence the name, it was tiring work fishing all day, so after it had finished we were off to bed.

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