Wednesday 24 October 2018

Just Before Breakfast,

something caught my eye,

 in one of the palm trees opposite our balcony,

 amongst the seeds,

 and on the trunk, 

 a squirrel had come to visit,

 next a black bird called by,

 then this little chap,

and nice he looked too, during the day we watched a few new Bargain Hunts,

after our evening meal Alex and Alec called by, after we said our goodbyes it was The Last Ship, and for a change the three episodes we watched this evening got serious, the only surviving member of the American government has been found, and he is declared and sworn in as the new President of the USA, only one slight problem, he murdered his own children by strangling them with his bare hands, so looking at the episodes with the normal humour that we associate with the series, he seems a bit over qualified for the job! and with that we were off to bed.

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