Wednesday 31 October 2012

Could This Be The Beginning,

of a bright new future?

as Energy Minister John Hayes says 'enough is enough’ when speaking of onshore wind farms, I have always maintained that wind farms are a hugely expensive waste of space, just look at the 27-year-old Kamaoa Wind Farm sat on arguably the windiest island in the world, Hawaii, total failure,

He said existing sites and those in the pipeline would be enough to meet green commitments with no need for more, ‘even if a minority of what’s in the system is built we are going to reach our 2020 target, I’m saying enough is enough,’ common sense at last, naturally the greenies and treehuggers known as I believe the Liberal Democrats will moan and wail, but then they are not paying the huge subsidies that wind farm owners collect, speaking of which in a shift in Government policy, ministers announced this summer that the subsidy for onshore wind power generation would be cut by 10 per cent this year,

all of which will delight 100-plus fellow Tory MPs who have urged David Cameron to take a more skeptical approach to onshore wind power, well I hate to say 'I told you so' but I told you so here!

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