Tuesday 29 July 2014

How Do You See Something,

when some of it is not there?

this may look like a black and white photograph, but what you are actually looking at is a painting made of thousands and thousands of tiny holes, so you are looking at something that is not there, Norwegian artist Anne-Karin Furunes’ paintings are created by punching perforations into large canvases, creating the effect of monochromatic hyper-realistic portraits,

Anne has been perfecting her unique perforation technique since the 1990s, when she was a student of architecture and art at the Art Academy of Trondheim, Anne’s technique is really quite extraordinary – she punches each hole by hand, using thirty different sizes of punch holes, 'it’s not an illusion on canvas,' said Anne. 'it’s the absence of an illusion, or it’s actually the space that makes these portraits happen, and it is, in a way, appearing in the head of the viewer, so it’s all in your head, actually,' so I guess it is true, you are looking at something that is not really there.

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