Friday 25 July 2014

I Normally Have A Bit Of A Problem,

lighting the Saturday night bar-b-q,

although to be fair the last few attempts have been relatively smoke free, but here is an idea to make a fire that lasts for a few hours quickly and easily, the Light n’ Go Bonfire Log, as it says in the blurb, 'the Bonfire burns more than 1.5 hours, while the Bonfire Jumbo goes for about 2.5 hours, both can be enjoyed in a fire pit, chimnea, or fireplace, indoors or out, take them camping, cook marshmallows or hot dogs on a stick, or drop a frying pan on the log for eggs, it’s year round instant entertainment, never easier or cooler, no chemicals, just pure kiln dried beautiful white birch, with a paperboard firestarter', so I guess it does what it says on the packet, Light n’ Go.

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