Tuesday 15 July 2014

Many Of Us Have Been Called Names,

but calling some one 'bicycle face',

is not a name that springs to mind, but back in the 1890s some doctors warned that, especially for women, using the newfangled contraption could lead to a threatening medical condition known as bicycle face, it was thought that, 'over-exertion, the upright position on the wheel, and the unconscious effort to maintain one's balance tend to produce a wearied and exhausted 'bicycle face,'" noted the Literary Digest in 1895, it went on to describe the condition: "usually flushed, but sometimes pale, often with lips more or less drawn, and the beginning of dark shadows under the eyes, and always with an expression of weariness', so there you have it, I will stick to using the truck, well imagine some shouting 'Oi, bicycle face!', at you as you peddle by.

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