Saturday, 30 September 2017

If You Like Trains And Cats,

this really amazing interactive illustration is for You, 

to start the journey click on the link and the journey titled Short Trip will download, it is an interactive illustration by Australian artist Alexander Perrin, the simulation places the player in the conductor’s seat of a cross-country train, allowing the user to use their arrow keys to go forwards or backwards through the game’s peaceful black and white countryside while delivering a series of animated cat passengers, the illustrated simulation took Perrin five years to complete, from researching how a graphite-based drawing could be presented on a digital platform, to creating all the necessary components of the train’s journey by hand, His interest for this particular scenery came from riding on the Hakone Tozan Railway in Japan, one of his favourite ways of travel, 

the story starts here, use the right key on Your computer to start the cat person walking to the train, remember to stop at the stations, you can use the left key to reverse I nearly did not see the station just past the second windmill, and remember to keep ringing the bell! use the space bar to ring it when the driver is in the train,

in an interview Perrin said, “It’s a magical, rickety switchback railway that ascends a forest shrouded mountain all throughout the year, there’s something about the beautifully crafted forms of the railway in sculpted union with the cliff faces and trees that just hits such a therapeutic, aesthetic sweet spot, it’s a little bit like riding an enlarged miniature railway, if you know what I mean, You remain passive and enjoy the ride for the sake of the journey.” the game was built with this passiveness in mind, the only “goal” of the project to get to the other side of the railway while you enjoy the scenery and relaxing soundtrack of gentle bird chirping and cable car as it softly rumbles across the tracks, You can see more clips from his current simulator on his website and Instagram, what a really lovely journey to take and it is amazing how the drawings are animated.

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