Sunday 15 July 2018

I Guess We Have All Heard Of Rodeos,

well here is a part of that culture,

 that I had not seen before, from the article, a sport directly inspired by the Adelitas—the female soldiers who fought in the Mexican Revolution,

Escaramuza, an event within the larger rodeo-like sport known as charrería (now recognized as Mexico’s national sport) is comprised of teams of up to 16 women (though only eight can compete at a time) performing a series of routines inside a lienzo charro, or stadium, at breakneck galloping speeds, all while riding sidesaddle,

 every movement is intricately choreographed, often down to the second. In the coladera, for example, the women split into two groups of four; one group circles the perimeter of the lienzo charro, while the second moves in a much smaller circle in the center,

 suddenly, the outer group changes direction and gallops straight toward the group in the center at full speed, so that each of the eight women individually dissects the formation, all in the same instant,

 the horses never slow and, if the move is successful, they never touch,

during the escaramuza season, which typically runs from February to November, riders practice twice a week for two to three hours,

the U.S. nationals take place over Labor Day weekend, and the grand finale, a competition in Mexico that brings together the top 80 or so teams from both sides of the border, happens in late October or early November,

what a spectacular event to watch and photograph, all of these from Devin Doyle, you can read the full fascinating article here.

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