Wednesday 9 August 2023

As It Is Wednesday,

I will only be making only be making one post today,

the reason being as soon as I post it I will be out to visit Duncan in Gravesend, back to Tuesday, as Diana was home we had breakfast together so bacon sandwiches and a mug of tea it was then, 

as Diana left for work I made my way into a grey day,

luckily I had put my new waterproof top on, it was drizzling all the way,

to the railway station,

over the newly finished pedestrian bridge,

to the ticket office, 

where the aquarium looked nice, a new 4 foot aquarium is hopped to be here next week, I bought tickets for Diana to accompany me next week to visit Duncan as it is her day off, 

tickets purchased then to the bus stop on the green, I zoomed in and took a photograph of the hanging basket,

but the drizzle somewhat ruined the photograph, 

off of the bus and into the shop, I had a few invoices I had printed to drop off, and pick up a cheque, as well as this bit of kit, 

it is a Sony video 8 player, as well as three bags of these,

video 8 tapes I had made over the years of my fish visits to Singapore, Bangkok and my SCUBA diving visits to the Philippines,

there are so many tapes of diving, looking at fish and trying to find new species as well as lecture tapes that were made when I was on the lecture circuit, if the player works I will make a few videos and post them on YouTube as a fun project over the next few months, but before that I need one of these, 

RCA to HDMI Converter, AV to HDMI cable, 3 RCA CVBS Composite to 1080P HDMI AV Adapter to convert the signal from the player into HDMI that I can load into my computer so that I can edit them, after Diana returned home and our evening meal, it was feet up for a Endeavour followed by a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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