Sunday 12 May 2013

This Was One Of The Reasons I Decided To Get My Telescope Ready,

although these pictures were taken in 2009 I had only just recently seen them,

this series of photographs taken by Czechoslovakia photographer Miloslav Druckmüller from the Brno University of Technology, comprises of a series of composite images capturing the moon during a total solar eclipse to revealing a vast solar corona, to achieve the crystal clear effect the shots are comprised from some 40+ photos taken with two different lenses,

additional clarity was achieved due to the incredibly remote location chosen to view the eclipse from, a pier just outside the Enewetak Radiological Observatory on the Marshall Islands, smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, so a million light-years from my capabilities, but I thought I would try to take a couple of pictures of the moon with my small Panasonic camera, as an aside I had never realised the moon had a corona before.

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