Friday 16 January 2009

Another Quite Day For Us,

we stayed at home yesterday, last week I twisted my back, it seemed to be getting better but yesterday it got worse again, I could hardly get up from the sofa, this morning sees no improvement either, it hurts even when I cough! but the good news was that Mr.Tony called round for a cup of tea followed by Mark, then I decided to have a spring clean in the Discus tank, a bit of algae was building up on the bottom of it, it needs another tidy up today then I will put a few pictures on the blog of it, today off to water the plants, buy a new bulb for the outside lights, breakfast on the beach, pick up the pool cue for Juu if it is ready, clean the tank, then later the guys that service the burglar alarm are calling in as a warning light came on yesterday, either a fault on the phone line or a problem with the on board battery are the two things that make the warning light come on, after all of that feet up and watch a few DVD's, I hope to have some pictures to put on the blog tomorrow, Bye!

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