Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
During The Day We Watched A Couple Of DVDs,
the first was a documentary,
the second 2012, I had bought the BluRay version of it as I liked it so much when we watched the film on a normal DVD, again I thought it looked better on BluRay Diana thought it looked the same, but new for both of us was the option to watch it with movieIQ, which means for instance if someone in the movie is say whistling a tune the movieIQ feature will tell you what the music the actor is whistling, neat if only it worked, it appears I do not have enough memory on our player for it to work, I wonder how I increase the memory of our player?
all to soon we were off to the Friday night market,
I needed some more casual shoes,
rubber soles with corduroy tops they are as comfortable as can be and they are slip on's, no fumbling with straps or buckles, 160 bath a pair they last 3 or 4 months each,
slight bit of cloud for this evening,
on the way to the pet section I bought some cashew nuts, some for a nibble later and some to go into the chicken curry we will be having on Saturday evening,
opposite the bar for this week a couple of clothes stalls,
into the pet section and one of the fish stalls has a new display,
it is still early,
so it is easy to walk around,
as I went past the fruit stalls I noticed some mango's, so Diana will buy some I am sure for our evening mango slushies,
I know I have a thing about those frying pans with boiling oil in them just waiting for an accident to happen, well this week for the first time I can remember one of the aisles had these in it,
on both sides, steaming, or later I guess nearly boiling water in the pans, may be I am just too safety conscious, but it still seems like an accident waiting to happen,
the bar was a bit packed today, Brian and Juu already there,
the girls getting ready for a shopping fest, Sa, Diana and Dang,
the stall opposite the bar was doing a good trade,
the sales patter went along the lines that these goods sell for 2,000 to 3,000 baht each abroad, but here only 250 baht, I was so convinced I nearly bought 10 of them, think of the money I would have saved!
beware, keep on the look out for vampires, or is it werewolves? tonight it is a full moon,
by now it was late, so rather than have Diana cook we decided to call into the Punch & Judy,
where we meet up with Brian and Sa, Brian had the burger chips and pint for 199 baht,
Sa ordered spring rolls and a cheese filled I think Mexican dish,
gammon steak for Diana,
'Cheers!', from all of us,
I should have mentioned I ordered a lamb kebab, it arrived with chips and was delicious, we chatted the evening away over a few more beers then home for us,
I had purchased Wild, Wild West, not the movie but a series of Histories of characters from that period of US history, it is an 8 DVD box set,
we watched the first in the series about Daniel Boone, starting with how his father left England for the New World, fascinating program, we are looking forward to the others,
2012 what a film, I thought it was great but by now I guess everyone will have seen it so many special effects, what would we have done with out computers? we watched a little television from the cable net work when we arrived home, by then it was late so for us off to bed.
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