I am using the new lap top,
I have used friend's laptops before, but made a total bosh of using the touch pad, so today I am starting out using only the touch pad and Windows 7, trying to teach an old dog new tricks, so thinking I would need more time I have not looked for anything else to put on the blog,
this morning Nick and Maureen called round with Ta-Taa,
we had more than a few coffees,
Ta-Taa not in the mood to pose!
in the afternoon Wattana Computers called round, with the laptop, wi-fi box, cable to connect the laptop to the television and a pair of speakers as the cable to the television only delivers video, quick as a flash it was all done,
the only slight problem is the picture on the television seems to have a slight green tinge to it, but the good news was that it all went well,
the new laptop looking good,
after the computer technician left Jay and Precil called round for a cup of tea and a chat,
by now it was getting late, well you know what it is like with a new toy! so on with MI5 just after midnight the same as last night the power went off, but tonight we had torches, candles and a lighter in place, so a game of cards by candle light, it was so romantic! after half an hour or so the power came back so on with episode #6.3, the crash of a cargo airplane near a secret US army base diverts MI-5's attention from the Iran situation, MI-5 learns they may have been carrying biological weapons on board, Malcolm goes undercover to find out what is really going on, another griping episode,
all of this done with the new laptop and touch pad, it is a little strange, I keep finding myself putting my hand to where the mouse would normally be, habit of course, as for the Windows 7, it does not seem that different but one failing it does have, when I want to upload pictures with XP I could stretch the box that the files I wished to upload were in, it would stay stretched every time I went back to it, but with 7 I have to stretch it every time, very time consuming, also if I leave the cursor over an item with out further instruction to the programme it will close, for instance if I delete a page I was working on and do not move the cursor from the delete X all of the other pages will be deleted,
as for the laptop the only small gripe is I wish it had a light on the keyboard to say the cap lock was on, I have a habit of turning it by mistake on only to find when I look up from the keyboard the whole page that I have just written it all in capitols! the bigger gripe is the 2 hour battery life, not the 3 - 4 hours as promised in the specification, but I guess all of the above ramble is what happens when you try to teach an old dog new tricks!, speaking of which series 7 has just been released, then as it was well after one in the morning, for us off to bed.
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