Monday 30 April 2018

Off To The Repair Shop,

for the motorcycle,

 the headlamp had failed, so a few minuets and 60 baht later and I was on my way home,

 for our Sunday roast,

 for this week roast beef,


 watching us, one of the angelfish, (Pterophyllum scalare),

 and a red tailed black shark, (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor),

 and a real treat for dessert,

Diana had made a baked apple and current dessert with a caramelised toffee flavoured syrup, topped with ice cream, it looked and was delicious, we listened to music in the afternoon, 

the in the evening it was Al Murray, the Pub Landlord, the DVD was recorded at one of his live shows, and what a blast it was, 

 we followed that with 2 more from Hornblower, firstly Duty,

followed by Loyalty, by now it was past the midnight hour so we were off to bed.

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