Saturday 22 September 2018

They Say You Should Live Your Dream,

but what if you dream is to be a clown?

 not just wear makeup and remove it, but be a permanent clown? that is what Richie the Barber has decided to do, he wanted to be a clown for as long as he can remember, 

but instead of simply putting on makeup from time to time, he decided to tattoo his face, cut his hair and get silicone implants to become a permanent clown, 

the mouth and nose are tattooed, as is the blue makeup and all the artwork decorating his face, and those impressive eyebrows are actually enhanced by sub-dermal silicone implants, He’s a permanent real-life clown,

as his name suggests, Richie is a barber, but deep inside he has always been a clown, He can trace his fascination – some would go as far as calling it obsession – with clowns to his early childhood days, when he met his first clown, instead of being afraid of him, Richie was amazed by all the tricks and juggles the clown performed, and remembers the advice he got from the clown to this day: whenever you’re feeling down, just juggle, that’s when he knew he wanted to be a clown too, he became what he calls a “closet clown” for years, until he moved to Hollywood, where he could finally become what he wanted to become, so there you have it, you can live your dream!

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