Saturday 12 January 2019

Street Art,

or I should say schoolyard art,

 this is the latest work from Atlanta-based artist Alex Brewer, a.k.a. Hense

 who paints overlapping shapes and patterns on canvases, outdoor murals, and even billboards,

 His brightly colored abstract work appears around the world, from the US and Germany to Taiwan and Australia,

 most recently Brewer created an acrylic paint mural on the asphalt courtyard of the Liceo Scientifico,

 for the piece, titled “Ragusa Sun,” Brewer wanted to add an element of inspiration and curiosity for the students at the school,

 “Ragusa Sun (Courtyard Painting)” (2018), Acrylic paint on asphalt, 45 x 147 feet, created for the Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi in Ragusa, Sicily, 

commissioned and organized by Festiwall and Liceo Scientifico, Brewer’s show INTERPLAY is on view through January 26, 2019, at Sandler Hudson Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, You can follow his indoor and outdoor creations on the artist’s website and Instagram, all photography by Piero Sabatino, I wonder who's schoolyard will be next?

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