Saturday 10 September 2022

In The Morning I Decided To Walk To The Station,

to buy the tickets to visit Duncan next week,

and pick up some milk, as I left the rain started,

it really chucked it down, I now know the pockets on my waterproof jacket leak,

arriving at the station the ticket office was open, so I bought tickets for the next three weeks,

by now it had stopped raining as I made my way to the Co-Op for some shopping,

in fact it was blue skies as I neared home,

after Diana left for work it was time for my evening read and sherry,

followed by a cheese and tomato sandwich, 'Cheers!',

the rain had stopped long ago as I went to meet Steve in the club, but the pathway through the park was still underwater in places,

a tinge of red in the night sky,

no one playing tennis tonight, the floodlights off,

it looked like it was going to be a wet night as more clouds rolled across the sky over the club,

I made my way to the club to meet Steve for a few drinks before it was time to say our farewells, I arrived home shortly before Diana, when she arrived it was coffees, a chat, a episode of New Tricks and we were off to bed.

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