Wednesday 3 July 2024

Blog Posted,

and I was out into a cold grey day, 

it was to dark to see when I dropped Diana off at work, but it certainly was chilly!

I was on my way to visit Duncan, as we will be out on Wednesday when I normally visit, so on Tuesday this week it was, I should mention that as we will be out first thing today I will only be making one post today, back to Tuesday, work has begun on another of the pavements, getting ready for the two Zebra crossings and mini roundabout to be installed, 

I was lucky with the bus, it arrived almost as soon as I got to the stop, through the temporary traffic lights, 

and I was soon passing Peter Pan's Pool,

looking towards Catford, nothing but grey in the sky,

a driver change at Catford garage, 

but the bus still made good time to Lewisham market, 

arriving at Blackheath village, the florists not yet open, the closing down sale signs in the window, 

looking along the opposite platform work still had not started on the stations planned refurbishment, and then I saw it, more about the station here

on one of the upright pillars, a crest that I had somehow missed every week as I walked past it, 

the legend, Phoenix Foundry Company Derby, there is a blog about the foundry here, in its time it supplied goods as far afield as India and Russia!

and this is an example of the work they produced,

some of the woodwork to be replaced,

work should start soon, 

I was in luck a train was going through to Gravesend, so no changing at Dartford, off of the train and hardly anytime waiting for a 483 bus, 

I was soon walking up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan lives,

the car park still being used for building work,

past the roses that were still looking nice,

this is why the car park is overflowing, lots of work going on in one of the buildings wards,

Duncan was in fine sprits, as we were chatting away Alan telephoned and by sheer happenstance he was in Gravesend, so he called to say he was popping over, it was almost a party in Duncan's room, a couple of hours just flew by until Duncan's lunch arrived and we said our goodbyes, unfortunately Alan's car was filled with his bicycle so he could not give me a lift to the station, so we said out farewells as I walked to the bus stop, 

past the apple tree, then a bit of bad news, I arrived at the bus stop at 12.50, having just missed a bus, the next one in 30 minuets did not arrive, at 13.55 one did, over an hour at the bus stop! and people wonder why the public shun bus and train services, happily the train went through to Blackheath village so again, no change trains at Dartford, 

out of the station, past the florists next door, 

over the road to the bus stop, my bus should be next, 

and there it was the fifth bus to arrive in 16 minutes, 

it was packed, 

going past the gardens opposite Lewisham hospital, the first signs of flowers in the newly planted beds, geraniums it is!

off of the number 54 bus to start my walk home, past Foxgrove Lodge and into the park,

opposite the other lodge house, 

the sky finally starting to clear, but it was still cold, hopefully the weather will improve for out day out with Steve and Kai tomorrow, Diana had beaten me home so it was a Tipping Point and a episode of The Chase before our evening meal, after which a Midsomer Murder, we rounded off the evening with, 

 Venom: Let There Be Carnage, we both enjoyed the first Venom, but this one was for us not a good as it could have been, by now it was late, so for us we were off to bed.

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